The Dorset Park Safety Ambassadors were very excited to have Mike Alder, from the Scarborough Mirror visit the group at the Dorset Park Community Hub on Tuesday June 16, 2015. Please see the link to read the article:
We would like to thank our local councillor, Norm Kelly and his staff Lynda, who were very supportive of the Dorset Park Safety Ambassadors while collecting signatures for a petition to install speed humps on Antrim Crescent. The group would also like to thank the property management, superintendents, and maintenance staff who gave the group permission to speak to residents in the buildings on Antrim Crescent. We would also like to thank the residents in the apartment buildings and townhouses on Antrim Crescent for signing the petition. Without all of this support the task would not be possible. It was a pleasure to work with a dedicated group of volunteers. The group is determined to continue working towards our goal: safety of our neighbourhood. We would like to thank Mike Alder, from the Scarborough Mirror, for writing an article about the groups work on collecting petitions to install speed humps on Antrim Crescent.
We are inviting community members to visit the group. Please contact Donna Robinson at 416-292-6912 ext. 316 or for more information.